Human Rights Month: Rustenburg's Day Mother Programme
Empowering Day Mothers is crucial to achieving children’s rights in Rustenburg's Zinniaville, Karlien Park, Dinie Estate, Seraleng and Kroondal communities.
Human Rights Month: Bushbuckridge's Young Child Forums
Connecting ECD practitioners and Government is crucial to achieving children’s rights in Bushbuckridge's Dwarsloop A and B, Maviljan, Shatale, Casteel, Athurseat and Greenvalley communities.
Post-Budget Urgency: A Plea for Business Investment in Early Childhood Development
In the wake of the recent budget speech, South Africa stands at a crossroads, and the implications for Early Childhood Development (ECD) are glaring.
Stories From The Ground: Balungile Hadebe
The DO MORE FOUNDATION’S (DMF) Township Economy Programme has been a project of shared passion with one of the foundation’s key investors - Pepkor Speciality – providing strides to help young women to thrive in their communities, as breadwinners and as strong and capable entrepreneurs.
Turning Excess into Essential with Barrows: Repurpose 4 Purpose
Barrows Global and the DO MORE FOUNDATION have reimagined an alternate end-solution for excess business inventory: redirecting it away from our already over-burdened landfills into the hands of little learners at under-resourced ECD centres.
It Starts with a Meal from Ackermans: DoMore Porridge
Ackermans and The Unlimited Child are an integral part of the DO MORE FOUNDATION's nutrition pillar, helping us get DoMore Porridge to the young children of Hammarsdale (KwaZulu-Natal), Soweto (Gauteng), Phillipi and Langa (Western Cape).